YIRGA CHEFE Gospel Crusade, Ethiopia, DAY 1:
We are thrilled to be on crusade again in our beloved nation of Ethiopia! Those who follow our activities will know that our international team poured heart and soul into a campaign held in the South African township of Alexandra during the first four months of this year. Usually, we would execute two or three mass crusades in Ethiopia over this period, such being their dry season. While our Ethiopian team conducted five village crusades while we were busy in Alex, we are now squeezing in this mass crusade in June, catching Yirga Chefe between its two rainy seasons.We are thrilled to be on crusade again in our beloved nation of Ethiopia! Those who follow our activities will know that our international team poured heart and soul into a campaign held in the South African township of Alexandra during the first four months of this year. Usually, we would execute two or three mass crusades in Ethiopia over this period, such being their dry season. While our Ethiopian team conducted five village crusades while we were busy in Alex, we are now squeezing in this mass crusade in June, catching Yirga Chefe between its two rainy seasons.
Today, our inaugural service was an overwhelming success! The weather could not have been more perfect. The field is beautiful. It is lush, grassy and lined with trees. A choir consisting of singers from various churches—all bedecked in their robes—led the crowd in praise and worship, together with our lead singers. I preached from Isaiah 61 and thousands called on the name of Jesus, declaring their belief in Him as the Son of God and Saviour of souls. We prayed for the sick and rebuked bondages. Tomorrow, we will start taking testimonies.
The excellent start was a testament to the hard work of our team. Over the past month, they have been preaching on the streets, training volunteers, equipping local believers for soul-winning, leading intercession and promoting the meetings. Yirga Chefe is populated primarily by the Gedeo ethnic group and lies 400km south of Addis Ababa. It is well-known for its outstanding coffee production. Less than half of its inhabitants are born-again, with most adhering to other religions. There is also a strong prevalence of witchcraft and substance abuse.
Thank you for your fervent prayers. They are undergirding us. Yirga Chefe belongs to Jesus and we are excited to bear witness to all that He will achieve here over the next few days.

YIRGA CHEFE Gospel Crusade, Ethiopia, DAY 2:
What an extraordinary second day! We held both morning and afternoon services, the people of Yirga Chefe being eager for the things of God. Two of our local team members, Pastor Mitiku Olika and Evangelist Mamo Abdisa ministered this morning while I preached the Gospel in the afternoon service. I taught from Luke 15 and the stories of the lost sheep, coin and son. In both services, multitudes confessed their faith in Christ and prayer for the sick yielded the precious fruit of many mighty miracles and deliverances, including the testimonies that follow.
Andinet is a 20-year-old student who had been tormented by terrible heart pains for the past seven years. “At night, I could not sleep. I would feel like I was dying,” he expressed. During prayer last night, he felt overcome by the Spirit. He moved to the edge of the field and vomited. “I felt something leaving my body,” he shared. Since then, the pains have not returned. Raising his hands to heaven, Andinet praised God and declared that Jesus is Lord. Hallelujah!
Ataleleah is a 32-year-old merchant and mother of four children. Some years ago, she began experiencing severe discomfort in her womb and an unceasing flow of blood. The ailment was incapacitating and made fulfilling her daily responsibilities very challenging. After prayer, the bleeding has stopped and her body is pain-free. Rejocing, Ataleleah bounced up and down with tremendous glee.
Desalegn is a 28-year-old teacher who has been beset by depression and anxiety. “Things in my life are going well. There is no reason why I should feel this way,” he said. Nevertheless, the dark cloud that overshadowed his mind refused to lift—until today! During worship, he experienced the presence of God in a powerful way. Suddenly, he felt the heaviness dissipate and be replaced by an overwhelming sense of peace. “I feel so well!” he pronounced. “God is good. He saves, heals and delivers!”
Tomorrow, we will hold two services again and then also on Sunday. Heartfelt thanks for your continued prayers!

YIRGA CHEFE Gospel Crusade, Ethiopia, DAY 3:
The Lord is on the move in Yirga Chefe and we are moving with Him! This morning, our Crusade Director, Ev. Samuel Murrombe preached the Gospel, sharing his testimony of how he encountered Jesus in prison. Come afternoon, I shared from John 5 and how only Dr Jesus can heal our spirits of the sickness of sin, a disease far worse than any physical ailment. The response to both messages was terrific, with precious people young and old calling on Jesus to be their Lord and Saviour. In the second service, I also began teaching on the Holy Spirit baptism, laying a foundation on which I will build further tomorrow, before we pray for believers to be filled from on High. Prayer for the sick was again followed by magnificent testimonies in both services.
Felekech is a 30-year-old government worker and mother of eight. Five months ago, she had been struck by a strange and sudden paralysis. Her legs did not function at all. She had to stop working and could not complete basic household tasks. She was brought to the crusade by loved ones, being transported on the back of a motorbike. During prayer, sensation and strength flooded back into her limbs. “I am completely healed! I thank God!” she exclaimed, beside herself with joy.
Gabremariyam is a 74-year-old farmer. Two years ago, the pain in his knees had grown so severe that he could no longer work. “I could neither bend nor stretch them without pain,” he explained. “I struggled to sleep at night, they throbbed so terribly.” During prayer on Thursday, the Lord touched him. He returned home with no pain. He slept with no pain. He woke up the next morning with no pain. Today, he came to testify—the pain was gone and had not returned! Overjoyed, this grandfather kicked his legs about on stage, delighted with his miracle.
Abiyot is a 35-year-old father of five. Ten years ago, his general health took a severe turn for the worse. He was troubled by a large variety of different ailments that impacted his entire body. He was always in pain and a large tumour developed in his neck. During prayer, he started sweating profusely and fell to the ground. When he awoke, every ailment and ache had vanished—including the tumor! Thrilled, Abiyot praised the Lord.
Aster is 25 years old. Four years ago, she started having such excruciating pains in her stomach that she could no longer bend down. Her basic bodily functions were severely affected. Her husband left her and her parents needed to care for her two children. Her life was unraveling—but God! Since attending the crusade, all discomfort has left her body. She feels strong and able. “I am totally free! Thank you, Jesus!” she voiced. Hallelujah and amen!
Tomorrow morning, all evangelical churches will close their doors and gather with their pastors and congregations on the crusade field for a mass service. In the afternoon, we will hold our last crusade meeting. Everyone is expectant. God is pouring Himself out upon Yirga Chefe and our final day will be spectacular. Thank you for your ongoing prayer support!

YIRGA CHEFE Gospel Crusade, Ethiopia, FINAL DAY:
Our last day in Yirga Chefe was power-packed and fire-filled from beginning to end. In the morning, all evangelical congregations and their pastors gathered for a mass service on the crusade field. We awarded Certificates of Appreciation to the pastors and volunteers for their involvement and handed over 200 copies of the Amharic version of my book, “Spirit of Fire” which teaches on the Holy Spirit and evangelism. I then preached on the Samaritan woman from John 4 and thousands called upon the name of the Lord to receive the gift of God.
Our afternoon service was spectacular. First, Ev. Samuel Murrombe ministered the Gospel, sharing the story of the rich man and Lazarus and the necessity of choosing life through believing in Jesus Christ. The response to the Good News was overwhelming. I then taught on how to partner with the Holy Spirit before we prayed for every believer in attendance to be filled with Him. We witnessed an avalanche of glory as young and old were endued with power and set ablaze to be witnesses for Jesus. We then prayed for all the prayer requests submitted during the crusade period and the town of Yirga Chefe.
We heard extraordinary testimonies of healing and deliverance. Bekete is a 70-year-old farmer. Fifty years ago, his left leg became troublesome. It was painful and mobility was a problem. He had learned to live with it but upon hearing that we would be praying for healing at the crusade, he attended with newfound expectation. Now, an ailment that had become part of his life is part of his life no more! The pain is gone and full range of motion has returned. Bekete is delighted!
Haimanot is a 34-year-old evangelist and father of five children. Eight years ago, his kidneys became troublesome. The pain was intense. He slept on the floor most nights, futilely trying to relieve the discomfort. “I was very sick, I was not sleeping,” he shared. He attended our first service on Thursday and the Lord touched his body. “The pain vanished! I have been testing my body since then, seeing if the pain would come back—and it has not! I am finally healed. I thank God and give glory to Jesus!”
Abraham is a 30-year-old butcher. He had been tormented by witchcraft. He was disturbed and tormented. During prayer, he experienced God in a formidable way. “I was standing at the back of the crowd with my brother,” he voiced. “Suddenly, I felt how a great power came and rested heavily upon me. I could not move. I could do nothing. It arrested me completely. Then, I vomited. After vomiting, I felt such peace, such joy. I am very, very happy. God has set me free!”
Thank you very much for your prayers and financial support that made this crusade possible. Rejoice together with us! We thank the Lord for what He has achieved in this remarkable town. Let us keep the pastors in our prayers as they follow up the new converts. Amen and amen.