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GIMBI Gospel Crusade, Ethiopia, DAY 1:

We are in the far west of Ethiopia, lifting the name of our Jesus on high in the town of Gimbi, located in the Oromia Region. Reaching this beautiful yet remote town required two flights and a rugged drive through densely forested mountains—and I am pleased to report that we have only burst one tyre thus far!

Our team has been labouring with the local believers over the past weeks, not only planning and marketing the crusade but also, training them for evangelism and engaging in outreaches in the marketplace and on the streets. Even before our crusade began today, hundreds had already been saved and connected with churches.

The pastors here are a true inspiration—deeply heartfelt, incredibly humble, and united in their vision to see Gimbi won for Jesus. In an area that has faced significant conflict in recent times—the services have to be finished by 6pm due to safety concerns—it is a privilege to support these leaders and help advance the extraordinary work that they have faithfully carried out for years.

This afternoon, our first meeting was superb. Thousands flocked to the local stadium and listened intently to the Good News. I preached simply and clearly, explaining that sin separates us from God and it is only the blood of Jesus that can wash it away. We called on the Lord together and asked Him to work the miracle in our hearts. It was glorious. We prayed for the sick and will start hearing testimonies tomorrow.

Throughout the weekend, we will hold seven mass meetings, with two services each day from Friday to Sunday. Please continue to pray for us as we press forward, sharing the love of Christ with the people of Gimbi. Thank you for your unwavering prayers and support!

GIMBI Gospel Crusade, Ethiopia, DAY 2:

We have had an extraordinary second day with two, fire-filled, God-glorifying services. Our crowd is growing as the word is spreading that Jesus is on the move in Gimbi! This morning, Ev. Samuel Murrombe ministered and come afternoon, I preached the Gospel. Thousands are receiving the Lord as Saviour and mighty miracles are manifesting. We heard many terrific testimonies, including those that follow.

Abebe, now 23 years old, broke his back while serving in the army three years ago. He spent more than a year in hospital recovering and still, had minimal mobility and could not bend at all. Experiencing the power of God during prayer, he was astonished to find that he could bend fully and stretch easily, without any pain. Thrilled, he bent and stretched on stage to the delight of the crowd. “God has healed me! I have such peace,” he voiced.

Gemechiso is 35 years old. Two years ago, he was struck by a strange paralysis. His right hand and leg become lethargic, no longer functioning properly. Depressed about his situation, the future seemed increasingly hopeless. Now, all that has changed. Jesus touched his body and his previously uncooperative leg and hand are entirely mobile. Overjoyed, Gemechiso danced about on stage. “I thank my God so much!” he exclaimed.

Mulu is 30 years old. Ten years ago, he was in an accident and broke his left leg. The limb never healed properly and he was left in constant pain and with a severe limp. He was passionate about farming but struggled to perform any physical duties. Today, Mulu is a new man. His leg is crippled no more but feels strong, stable, and pain-free. “I am so happy!” he expressed.

Tomorrow, we continue with another two services and then again on Sunday. Your prayers and support are undergirding us. The power and presence of God is mightily impacting Gimbi!

GIMBI Gospel Crusade, Ethiopia, DAY 3:

It has been another extraordinary day. Our crowd exploded with growth and the young people joyously filled the streets as they danced home, singing at the top of their voices. The city is being shaken with sounds of praise! This morning, Ev Samuel Murrombe ministered and I took the afternoon service, preaching both salvation and Holy Spirit messages. In each meeting, many called on the name of the Lord and became children of God. Prayer for the sick was also followed by numerous testimonies.

Ayantu is a 15-year-old student. Two years ago, her stomach started to swell and she began experiencing severe abdominal problems. The pain was so severe that she could neither eat nor walk. She stopped attending school. Her health deteriorated. Her sister and father carried her to our crusade, having heard that people were being healed there. During the meeting, Jesus intervened in her situation wholly and completely. For the first time since the ordeal started, the pain has left and Ayantu can walk unaided! She testified on stage together with her father and sister of the mighty work that the Lord had done, bending and stretching to show that she was utterly pain-free.

Tadelech, 45 years of age, was likewise carried to the crusade. She had been paralysed for the past five years. “My legs did not work,” she shared. “I could not move from my bed.” Already a child of God, she heard about the crusade from her church friends. Making plans to attend, she came specifically to receive prayer for healing. The Lord did not disappoint her. Now, feeling and strength have returned to her legs. “My life has changed! I can walk!” she exclaimed, thanking God.

Senait is 32 years old. Three years ago, she was involved in a road accident while traveling in a bajaj (a small, three-wheeled motor vehicle). Her one hand was badly injured and never healed. She could not open it fully and simple tasks were very challenging for her. After prayer, all that has changed! Her hand is functioning normally and she can easily extend the palm and fingers. Senait is thrilled.

Tomorrow, all evangelical churches will close their doors and we will gather for a mass morning service before concluding with our final afternoon meeting. Thank you for your unceasing support. Gimbi is experiencing the goodness and glory of God!

GIMBI Gospel Crusade, Ethiopia, FINAL DAY:

Today was power-packed from beginning to end. In the morning, all evangelical congregations gathered on our crusade field for a mass service. We handed out Certificates of Appreciation to the pastors and volunteers, together with Amharic copies of my book on evangelism, “Spirit of Fire”. I preached the Gospel in the morning service and Ev. Samuel did so in the afternoon. In both meetings, the response to the Good News was heartfelt and enthusiastic.

In the afternoon, I followed the salvation message with one final teaching on the Holy Spirit, before we prayed for all in attendance to be filled from on high. I ensured that I explained how to work with Him to preach the Good News, equipping the believers to share their faith and lay hands on the sick. The Spirit of God moved mightily across the crowd, saturating believers with Himself and leaving them anointed and appointed to be the mouth and hands of Jesus. It was glorious! We also prayed for all the prayer requests collected over the past four days.

In both services, we prayed for the sick and testimonies poured in. Temesgen is a 69-year-old farmer. Six years ago, he was diagnosed with a kidney disease that left him utterly incapacitated. “I could not walk or sleep or work,” he explained. His children told him about the crusade, encouraging him to attend. Since doing so and receiving prayer, every symptom has vanished and he is sleeping soundly. “I am very happy now,” Temesgen expressed. “Thanks be to God!”

Sura is a 35-year-old father of two and a guard by occupation. Four years ago, a disc slipped in his back and he has been unable to walk or bend without severe pain. After prayer on Friday, he returned home and tested his body thoroughly. He can now declare with great enthusiasm that his back is completely healed! The pain is gone, the immobility is gone. He can bend, stretch, move, and twist without any hesitancy. Praise the Lord!

Sena is 19 years old. Two years ago, she was struck by a strange illness. Her stomach ached constantly and a migraine headache tormented her without ceasing. She dropped out of school as a result. She could not think—let alone study. Her friends let her know about the crusade and she attended with expectation. Jesus did not disappoint, touching her with terrific power. Instantly, both her head and stomach stopped hurting. Astounded, Sena is overjoyed at the goodness of God.

Dear friend, thank you again for making this crusade possible. Tens of thousands have heard the Gospel and Gimbi has experienced the wonder-working might of God. The pastors are ecstatic and eager to follow up and disciple every new convert whose details have been taken. Please keep them in your prayers. We love you and appreciate you.




In His Name Ministries Inc. • United States of America • Registered 501(c)(3) • EIN No: 47-2932089

In His Name Ministries • United Kingdom • Registered Charity in England and Wales • Charity No: 1165025

In His Name Ministries NPC • South Africa • Reg No: 2007/019368/08 • PBO No: 930026654

In His Name Ethiopia Ministries • Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia • Certificate No: 00547 • TIN: 0062815687

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