XIKUNDU Gospel Crusade, South Africa, DAY 1:
We have had an incredible start to our crusade here in Xikundu, South Africa!
For the past few months, our team has been preaching the Good News in this Limpopo village and its surrounding communities. They have been ministering on the streets and in the schools, evangelising one-on-one, holding marketplace outreaches and executing mini-crusades. Already, thousands have been impacted by the Gospel.
Tonight, Ev. Samuel Murrombe preached on the prison of sin. This spiritual prison is far worse than any physical prison in which a person may find themselves and it is only Jesus who can liberate the sinner from this terrible bondage. The response to the altar call was glorious with a floodtide of men and women, young and old, pouring forward to ask Jesus to be their Lord and Saviour.
After the personal details of the new converts had been collected and follow-up material given to them, we prayed for the sick and those in need of deliverance. A steady stream of testimonies was heard, including these that follow. The Lord is at work in Xikundu!
Edward is a 65-year-old widower. Over thirty years ago, he was in an accident and since then, his knees had been terribly painful and his mobility restricted. Every day was a struggle. “I experienced the power of God today,” he expressed. “I am healed! I thank God. My life is going to change completely!” Edward kicked his legs on stage, showing off how easily his limbs bent and flexed.
Sabina is a 67-year-old grandmother who had been diagnosed six months ago with ulcers. “I was unable to do any chores at home,” she shared. “The pain in my stomach was too great.” During prayer, the Lord utterly altered her condition. She went from being tormented by pain to being pain-free. “I thank God for my deliverance!” Sabina exclaimed, bubbling with joy.
Tinyiko is 58 years old. She came to the crusade eager to encounter the power of God, being plagued by relentlessly itching skin, all over her body. The Lord did not disappoint. For the first time in several months, the itching has completely stopped. Her skin feels cool and smooth. Tinyiko is thrilled.
Tomorrow we will continue, concluding on Sunday evening. Thank you for praying for our team and the people of Xikundu. Xikundu belongs to Jesus!

XIKUNDU Gospel Crusade, South Africa, DAY 2:
The second night of our crusade has been extraordinary. A cold front is sweeping across the country, bringing icy temperatures and unyielding precipitation. However, the people here have such a hunger for God that they flock to the crusade field regardless of the freezing weather and withstand the drizzling rain from the beginning of the service through to the end.
I preached tonight on the stories of the lost sheep and lost coin told by Jesus in Luke 15. I explained that we all need to ask Jesus to be our Great Shepherd so that he can save us from sin and hell and make us children of God. The response was heartfelt and the altar was packed with those who wanted to surrender all to the Lord.
Prayer for the sick once again resulted in many testimonies of healing and deliverance. One precious elderly lady had been reliant on a walking stick for many months. Her entire body was in agony and she was perpetually dizzy. Last night, she came forward for prayer and Jesus touched her mightily. She testified tonight that she had thrown away her walking stick due to her light-headedness being no more and her body feeling so strong that she had no more need of it.
Sinnie is a 16-year-old student. She had been struggling with a terrible and persistent eye ailment that affected both eyes. They were red and painful and she could not see clearly. As she stepped onto the crusade field, the infection cleared and her sight was restored. “I felt something leaving my eyes,” she explained with evident delight.
Paseka is 17 years old. She attended the crusade specifically to ensure that her life was right with God. After the Gospel message, she accepted Him as Saviour. She had also been suffering from unyielding back pain and heart palpitations for the past year so went forward as well for prayer for healing. Wonderfully, Jesus did not only save her soul but healed her body! Her back pains have vanished and her heart feels strong and settled. We thank the Lord!
Susan is 25 years old. She has been terribly ill for several months. “I could not eat,” she shared. “Whenever I ate, I would vomit.” During prayer, she felt the power of God touching her. “I could feel my whole body shaking. It felt like there was electricity going through me,” she voiced. “Now, I believe that I am delivered. I thank the Lord Jesus for healing me!”
Thank you for your continued prayers for this crusade. The Gospel is being keenly received and it is an incredible privilege to minister to the people of Xikundu. The Lord is at work!

XIKUNDU Gospel Crusade, South Africa, DAY 3:
We have had another incredible service here in Xikundu! The weather is exceedingly frigid—heavy snow has fallen across the country—and our speaker system needs serious attention, after the pouring rains that have fallen without ceasing from yesterday afternoon and throughout today. Consequently, we moved the service this evening into a large, nearby church, giving both the people and our equipment some respite, with the intention of moving back outdoors tomorrow for the grand finale.
Tonight, I preached on the sickness of sin which infects the spirit. Only Dr Jesus can heal this horrid disease—if we would only call upon His name! Many enthusiastically responded, asking Jesus to do the job that only He can do. We laid hands on the sick and heard wonderful testimonies.
Mthavini is a 74-year-old widow and grandmother. Several years ago, her eyesight began deteriorating rapidly and she started having such intense back pains that she could not walk properly. The Lord did a complete work, both restoring her sight and invigorating her body. “I feel healed and strong!” she expressed. “I am now able to see and walk and will be able to do things for myself. I thank my God for this deliverance!”
Rose is 70 years old. She came to the crusade specifically to receive prayer for healing. For the past five years, she had to rely heavily on a walking stick to get around, her knees being painful and unstable. “I could not even do any chores at home,” she voiced. “During prayer, I could feel the power of God moving in my body. I started crying because I suddenly had no more pain. I can now walk and move freely. My life will never be the same again. Jesus has changed my story!”
Khensani is a 34-year-old mother of two. One year ago, she started having serious chest problems, her lungs feeling sore and tight. She coughed constantly and had to prop herself up with pillows at night to help her sleep. Her bad health made employment impossible. Doctors suspected tuberculosis but tests revealed nothing. No medication helped and she was tired of going from clinic to clinic. During prayer, Khensani felt the pain leaving her chest. She can now breathe easily and all tightness has vanished. “I have such inner peace,” she shared. “I feel like a load has been lifted!”
Thank you for your prayers. Please pray that the rain relents sufficiently for us to conclude our time tomorrow in Xikundu under a starry sky. Amen and amen!

XIKUNDU Gospel Crusade, South Africa, FINAL DAY:
Our last service has exceeded all expectations. The Lord has been good to us—and faithful to the people of Xikundu! When we arrived here and the weather turned overcast, the chief shared that he knew that we were from God because we had brought the rain, something they had been desperately awaiting after a long dry season. While we are thrilled that we are deemed to be heaven-sent, we were equally delighted that our meeting this evening was dry! The people attended in big numbers and worshipped God with enthusiasm.
Ev. Samuel Murrombe preached an outstanding Gospel message and many came forward to ask Jesus to be their Lord and Saviour. I followed with a message on the Holy Spirit baptism and how to partner with Him to be used by God. We then prayed for everyone to be filled with power from on High. We also prayed for the sick as well as the prayer requests that had been completed and handed in during the crusade period. The Lord moved mightily and we had a glorious time in His presence. We also awarded Certificates of Appreciation to the pastors and volunteers.
Miyelani is a 58-year-old teacher. She had been suffering from severe arthritis. “I had to rely on others to help me with many things,” she shared. During prayer, Miyelani felt her body growing hot as the Holy Spirit touched her. She collapsed on the ground, overwhelmed by His presence. When she had recovered enough to get up, she was overjoyed to find that she could do so without any assistance or pain—something she had not been able to do in a long time. “Today I have experienced both physical and spiritual freedom. Jesus has changed my life!”
Helen is a 44-year-old mother of three. She had been a believer for a long time but had not yet been filled with the Spirit. She had also been battling to swallow for three years. It felt as if something was blocking her throat and it was very painful. Tonight, Helen was both healed and baptised with the Holy Spirit. As she was filled with Him, her throat opened up and she spoke in her heavenly language for the first time. How marvellous! “Since this crusade started, my life has dramatically changed,” Helen expressed. “This crusade has brought healing and peace to my family. Thank you very much!”
Grace is 63 years old. For the past two years, her waist and left leg have been incredibly painful. “I could not walk and sometimes, I could not even stand,” she explained. During prayer, she felt electricity moving through her body, followed by a disappearance of all pain. Kicking her legs about on stage and twisting and bending with glee, Grace demonstrated her newfound mobility. “I am very happy!” she voiced. “I have peace in my heart. I thank God for this crusade!”
Dear friend, heartfelt thanks for your support. The name of our Jesus has been lifted on high and thousands have been saved, healed and delivered. Xikundu has been significantly impacted. Now, the pastors will follow up the new converts and begin shepherding them. Let us keep them all in our fervent prayers.