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From 26-27 April, the Durbanville hills were resounding with the praises of our God! Ev. Nastassja Kotze and her Stepping Out team held a two-day Gospel Crusade in one of the local high school halls, as part of our WOWZA campaign. It was titled “Freedom Fest” and testified to the freedom only our Jesus can bring. Ps. Heinz Winckler shared his testimony on both nights while Nastassja preached red-hot salvation messages. Ev. Maans Spamer taught on the power of God being freely available to us on Friday while Ev. Tamryn Klintworth spoke on the Holy Spirit baptism on Saturday. We bore witness to waves of redemption, restoration, and revival, precious people receiving Jesus as Saviour and being set free from all types of bondages. A big thank you to all the churches of Durbanville who got involved and a special thank you to Ps. Sam Wuytack from Acts Christian Church Cape Town for acting as MC. This is the start of even greater things for the community of Durbanville!

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