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The eighth crusade in our WOW ALEX initiative was held on a well-known sports ground, west of the Juskei River. Surrounded by shebeens and a general buzz of worldliness, it was a terrific spot to pitch a tent and preach Jesus! Ev. Thurston Meyer lead the charge, together with his extremely capable team of 836 Kingdom Ministries. His own radical transformation from a life of drugs and violence into one of radical faith and service to God, epitomises what is possible with Jesus. Evangelists Thurston Meyer and Samuel Murrombe preached the Gospel, while I taught on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Over three glorious days, the lost were saved, sick healed, captives liberated and believers filled with the Spirit. Prayer requests were submitted and lifted before the Lord, as well as the nation of South Africa. Many wonderful testimonies were heard, including these that follow.

Lilian is a 58-year-old grandmother and cleaner who lives right next to the crusade ground. “When I heard that Jesus saves, I liked it!” she expressed. Responding to the altar call for salvation, she received the Lord as Saviour. Thereafter, she responded to the invitation for prayer for the sick as well, her back and legs being wracked with pain. She had been battling to fulfil her responsibilities at work and home. During prayer, she felt the power of God surging through her body and now, Lilian is not only a child of God but also, pain-free! “My body is healthy! I am healed!” she exclaimed.

Masego is 35 years old. She had been an avid soccer player but five years ago, her knees began hurting so terribly that she had to give up her passion. Unemployed and staying at a local hostel, Masego had been invited to attend the crusade by a friend. First, she asked Jesus to be her Lord. Then, she received prayer for her knees as well. “I felt God touching me,” she voiced. “I have not felt this before. I am not used to prayer. The pain has left my knees. I feel like a new person!” Masego is thrilled. “I am going to follow Jesus and pray always,” she declared.

Mashudu is a 41-year-old mother of four children. Someone from work had told her about the crusade and she was eager to attend. “I love Jesus very much,” she said. A few months ago, she had a stroke and the effects continued plaguing her. She felt weak and slow, tired and unbalanced. She had not been able to return to work and was filled with fear for the future. During prayer, the Lord touched her body. “Every bad thing that I was feeling left. It was like something was removed from me. I feel so happy! God is faithful!”

Another precious lady shared how she had submitted a prayer request at a previous crusade regarding affordable accommodation for her, her spouse and children. They had been struggling for some time and encountering challenge after challenge. This week, she will fetch the keys for their two-bedroom apartment! Elated, she praised the Lord for His provision.

We will now take a break for the Easter weekend—the involved churches all needing to focus on their own programmes—and hold our ninth crusade from 5-7 April. This crusade will be spearheaded by Evangelists Neo Makhubo and Deborah Mafujane at a venue positioned at the entrance of a large hostel for women. We are excited and expectant. Alex is being saved!




In His Name Ministries Inc. • United States of America • Registered 501(c)(3) • EIN No: 47-2932089

In His Name Ministries • United Kingdom • Registered Charity in England and Wales • Charity No: 1165025

In His Name Ministries NPC • South Africa • Reg No: 2007/019368/08 • PBO No: 930026654

In His Name Ethiopia Ministries • Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia • Certificate No: 00547 • TIN: 0062815687

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