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Wave on wave of salvation, healing and deliverance continue rolling across the township of Alexandra! Ev. Elias Mphasha heads up Jesus Saves Evangelism and Outreach Ministry. He and his team did a spectacular job, preaching the Gospel on the streets and in the local churches and schools in the build-up to the crusade and then executing the crusade itself. The crusade was held on a field renowned for being a hub of drug activity. The Holy Spirit swept in and did a notable work!


The Good News was proclaimed night after night. Ev. Mphasha took the matchless message of salvation from different angles. On Friday, he touched on Genesis 1 and explained how sin entered into the world, resulting in our separation from God. It is only by believing in Jesus that our sins can be forgiven and we can be reconciled with the Father! On Saturday, the grace of God was focused upon. Although we deserve the wrath of God, by grace we can receive salvation through faith in Christ. On Sunday, Jesus being the living Word of God—through whom all is created—and the risen Son of God—through whom all can be saved—was fully explained. We are to serve and worship Him and not idols and ancestors. Every altar call resulted in precious people flooding forward to surrender all to Jesus. Their personal details were collected and follow-up material given to them. One such individual was Pinky, a 32-year-old wife and mother of five children. “A friend found me in a tavern drinking, dragged me out and brought me to the crusade,” she explained. “I have been addicted to alcohol for many years. I did not want to set foot in church. I am always drunk and it affects my husband and children.” Listening to the Gospel message, Pinky was struck to her core. She responded to the altar call, receiving Jesus as Saviour. During prayer, she was slain in the Spirit. “I woke up on the floor. I feel full of peace and joy. I am happy and excited about the future. I will not touch alcohol again. Jesus is my Lord!”


On Saturday evening, Ev. Samuel Murrombe taught on the Holy Spirit, following the Gospel message. He explained how the believer must be power-assisted—and that assistance comes from the Holy Spirit! On Sunday, Ev. Tamryn Klintworth ended off the service with one final message on the Holy Spirit—diving into what it means to be baptised with Him and how to labour with Him to win the lost and heal the sick. Hands were laid on those who were eager to be filled from on High. The prayer requests that had been collected during the crusade period and its build-up were prayed over as well as South Africa and the upcoming national elections.


Prayer for the sick was followed by many wonderful testimonies of healing and deliverance. Beauty is a 60-year-old grandmother and believer. Since last year, she has had excruciating pain in her right shoulder which made fulfilling her household responsibilities extremely difficult. “It affected me every day,” she voiced. After prayer, the pain has utterly vanished and Beauty is thrilled. “My life has changed. I can do my work. I felt the power of God!”


Zanele is a 59-year-old widow who had suffered a stroke five years ago and been diagnosed with womb cancer. She had become horribly ill. “I could not do anything by myself,” she expressed. At the crusade, she received Jesus as her Saviour. Overjoyed over her newfound salvation, she responded to the altar call for healing as well. “I felt like I was in another world,” she shared, God having touched her body mightily. All pain is gone. Every symptom has disappeared. Her strength and mobility have been fully restored. Hallelujah!


Lebo is a 29-year-old waitress. She had battled with all-pervasive, unrelenting body pains for years. “I would not be able to move around because my body would always feel so painful,” she testified. The Lord gifted her with a package deal, saving her soul and healing her body! After asking Jesus to be her Saviour, Lebo received prayer for healing. “I am so happy,” she exclaimed. “I feel better. The pain is gone. I am so glad that I came to this crusade!”


Betty is a 55-year-old cleaner at an insurance company. She saw one of the crusade posters and attended out of curiosity. She heard the Good News and went forward eagerly to receive Jesus as her Lord and Saviour. “I feel rejuvenated! I feel like a new person!” she stated with great enthusiasm. Jesus did not only transform her spirit but her body as well. For two years, her legs have been incredibly painful. Her work involved much physical labour and she has been struggling to keep up with its demands. “I would go to doctors but they could not help me. The pain disturbed me both at work and at home.” Now, all pain is gone and Betty is delighted. “I feel motivated to start my journey with God! He is on my side and I belong to Him!”


Next, we move on to a recent extension of Alex township, known as River Park. Evangelist Aryn de Fin and her team will lead the charge. All for His glory!




In His Name Ministries Inc. • United States of America • Registered 501(c)(3) • EIN No: 47-2932089

In His Name Ministries • United Kingdom • Registered Charity in England and Wales • Charity No: 1165025

In His Name Ministries NPC • South Africa • Reg No: 2007/019368/08 • PBO No: 930026654

In His Name Ethiopia Ministries • Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia • Certificate No: 00547 • TIN: 0062815687

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