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Our next crusade in the Johannesburg township of Alexandra took place from 9-11 February in an area known as Extension 7. While most of our crusades in the WOW ALEX initiative are open-air, this particular crusade was held in a tent, which was soon reverberating with praises to our Saviour King! Ev. Makwale Mangena of Antioch Christian Outreach and Ev. Khomotso Kgatla of Jesus Soul-Winning Ministries headed up this outreach and did marvellously. In the build-up to the crusade, aggressive street evangelism campaigns were conducted, schools were ministered in and churches were rallied in support of this soul-winning initiative.

The crusade itself went outstandingly well. Evangelists Makwale and Khomotso preached the Gospel with passion and precision, sharing over the three days on the blood of Jesus, the Samaritan woman and being ready for His return. Every altar call yielded a superb response to the salvation message, with the personal details of the new converts being collected and follow-up material being distributed. Many pastors enthusiastically attended night after night, which is always a sign of a healthy crusade. Each new convert will now be followed up by a pastor who has a church in their area of residence and discipled in the things of the Lord.

On both Saturday and Sunday evenings, Ev. Tamryn Klintworth preached on the Holy Spirit, following the Gospel message. She built layer upon layer, teaching on the Holy Spirit baptism, how God desires to use every one of His children for mighty works and also, how to partner with God in winning the lost and setting the captives free. Equipping the local believers to impact their community is an essential element of any Gospel Crusade, so that the event becomes a catalyst for even greater things. Hands were laid on those in attendance and everyone was fired up to be vessels of purpose in the hands of the Master!

In every service, the sick were prayed for and we heard some wonderful testimonies, including these that follow:

One young man by the name of Elias is a truck driver. Since last year September, a constant headache had plagued him. He felt unwell and was becoming increasingly frustrated. He explained what he experienced during prayer: “Somebody put their hands on me and I felt dizzy. Then, the dizziness left—and the pain vanished too!” Elated, Elias desires to serve the Lord more and more. “My life is going to change for the better. I want to serve God and not turn back.” Amen!  

Eliza is a 43-year-old mother of two. Already a child of God, she had struggled with the burning and prickling sensation of pins and needles under her feet for so many years, she cannot remember when the torment first started. Walking and standing were difficult for her. Now however, Eliza is free! The pain is gone and she is ecstatic.

Priscilla is a 62-year-old pensioner, who received the Lord as Saviour in 1995. She had been feeling increasingly discouraged. She had suffered a stroke and even been admitted into a psychiatric facility for some weeks for treatment for depression. During prayer, the Lord touched her. She collapsed under His power and started speaking in other tongues. All symptoms of the stroke and depression have left and she feels excited and revived. “I look forward to my new life!” she declared. “Thank you, Jesus! I am full of God!”

Tumelo is a 36-year-old tent maker who had been battling fear for the past decade. “I always gave excuses and was not fulfilling my purpose,” he voiced. After prayer, Tumelo is filled with joy and great boldness. “I will preach the Gospel to the nations!” he announced. Hallelujah and amen!

Sandile had likewise been besieged by fear, suffering from anxiety attacks. He served as an usher in the crusade and wonderfully, as he was helping usher those who were being prayed for by the evangelists, the Lord touched him as well! “I felt something leave my body as I was serving,” he said. “I am free! The fear and anxiety are gone!” How splendid!

In the final service, we prayed for all the prayer requests that had been submitted during the crusade period, together with the local pastors. We also prayed for the upcoming elections and the nation of South Africa. Now, we move on to our next crusade, such to be held along the eastern border of the township in an area known as First Park from 16-18 February, spearheaded by Evangelists Bongani Mike Mhlongo and Jordan Dlodlo. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Alex belongs to Jesus!




In His Name Ministries Inc. • United States of America • Registered 501(c)(3) • EIN No: 47-2932089

In His Name Ministries • United Kingdom • Registered Charity in England and Wales • Charity No: 1165025

In His Name Ministries NPC • South Africa • Reg No: 2007/019368/08 • PBO No: 930026654

In His Name Ethiopia Ministries • Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia • Certificate No: 00547 • TIN: 0062815687

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