JINKA Gospel Crusade, Ethiopia DAY 1:
We are off to a fire-filled start in the Ethiopian town of Jinka. Nestled among green valleys and rolling mountains, its setting is exquisite. Tonight, our Jesus made it abundantly clear that He will be doing mighty works here this week. Most of you are aware that we have faced many challenges in the planning of this crusade. In fact, our venue was forcibly changed by the government just a few days ago. Yet, the Holy Spirit has helped us spread the word! Thousands flooded the new ground this evening, regardless of the venue change or relentless rain. They stood in the mud and responded to the Gospel with stunning enthusiasm, calling on the name of the Lord and receiving the glorious gift of salvation. Prayer for the sick yielded fantastic miracles. Two women testified of tumours disappearing. One had been plagued for the past few months by a rapidly-growing tumour on her shoulder. Tonight, it vanished in a wave of Holy Spirit power. A younger woman had suffered from a tumour on her leg for the past five years that caused her such discomfort that she could not stand for lengthy periods. That tumour also vanished. Hallelujah! A young man had been in a motorbike accident in 2007 that resulted in a broken left leg. The leg never healed properly and he had been unable to run or jump ever since. Tonight, a divine operation took place. Those bones are now strong, fused and perfectly placed. Leaping up and down (see pic) and sprinting across the stage, he raised his hands to the heavens and glorified the Jesus who set him free. Precious friends, this is only the start. Please keep praying for us. Pray for the rain to cease, pray that word continues to spread regarding the new ground, pray for abundant favour in this place. In His matchless name, Jinka is being saved!
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JINKA Gospel Crusade, Ethiopia DAY 2:
Jinka for Jesus! This is our battle cry and it stirs us to action. The Lord is at work in this place. Even though half our service tonight took place in the pouring rain, the crowd still swelled, doubling in size. The pastors are astounded. “This is historical!” they say. “The people here usually flee when it rains. They are not fleeing but rather coming!” I first preached from Isaiah 55 and presented the Gospel with splendid simplicity. “Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord,” we read together. And then, we turned. We turned from darkness to light. We turned from sin and ran into His arms. Hallelujah! I also preached on the Holy Spirit, starting my series of three teachings on the subject. Layer upon layer we will build until praying for the Holy Spirit baptism on Sunday night. Prayer for the sick once again manifested mighty miracles. A young man named Bereket received the Lord as Saviour tonight. He had suffered from such horrendous toothache for the past month that he had a constant headache. Jesus both saved him and delivered him from that torment. An elderly lady named Dawulo travelled many kilometres on the bus from her village to attend, desperate for her healing. “I have had such pains in my body. I was ready to die,” she explained. Bouncing up and down on stage, she spun like a top, losing her shoes in the process (see pic). Oh, how she rejoiced! Another woman named Aster had been plagued by severe stomach ailments and could barely eat. “During prayer for the sick, I placed my hand on my stomach,” she said. “Then, the pain disappeared!” Please continue praying for us, dear friends. The lost are being saved, the sick healed and captives set free. Heaven is touching earth!
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JINKA Gospel Crusade, Ethiopia DAY 3:
The Lord is at work, marvellously at work! We had two soul-winning services today, one in the morning and the main service in the evening. Between these services, the rain poured down. During the meetings themselves, we were dry, gloriously dry. Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus and thank you, precious friends for your prayers. May tomorrow be likewise. Ev. Samuel Murrombe did a fantastic job preaching this morning and tonight, thousands flooded our crusade field and listened attentively as I first ministered the Gospel and then taught further on the Holy Spirit. The chairman of the fraternal is ecstatic. “We have never seen such a crowd in Jinka,” he told me with great glee. We are coming against many different religious groups here. One precious lady who works for an orthodox family and lives in their home has been cast out without her belongings for attending the crusade meetings. She is sleeping in a local church. She is suffering for the sake of the Gospel and there are many, many more like her. May we never grow comfortable in our Christianity, dear friends. Let us live for Him, die for Him and suffer for Him without question. He is worthy, oh so worthy. Prayer for the sick was followed by fantastic testimonies. A woman named Marta had been plagued by a tumour in her belly for six years. It caused her horrible and constant pain. Tonight, she is pain-free and can feel that the tumour is no more. How fantastic! She ululated and praised the Lord with such sincere thanksgiving, I was most touched. A young man named Yothias received Jesus as Saviour today. He had a tumour behind his right ear that resulted in that ear going deaf. The tumour is now gone and the ear can hear perfectly. Praise the Lord! "I cannot properly express what the Lord has done for me," he voiced, overwhelmed. Tomorrow morning, local churches will close their doors and we will come together on the crusade field for a mass service. Later in the day, we shall conclude with our final meeting and pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. In His matchless name, Jinka is being saved!
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JINKA Gospel Crusade, Ethiopia FINAL DAY:
What a day we have had here in Jinka! The rain held back throughout, coming down a little like yesterday only between services. Your prayers made this happen. Heartfelt thanks! Our Sunday morning mass church meeting was attended by thousands, both believers and unbelievers alike. What an honour to minister to the local pastors and their congregations. I proclaimed the red-hot Gospel and those who were not yet children of God called on the name of the Lord. Each evening, the crowd has doubled and tonight was no exception. Tens of thousands gathered. Ev. Samuel preached a fantastic salvation message before I followed up with my final teaching on the Holy Spirit baptism and we prayed for all in attendance to receive this glorious gift. Our God saturated men and women, young and old with Himself. Torrents of new tongues and worship rose heavenwards and we bathed in His glory. An army has been equipped to go out into Jinka and its surrounding villages and preach Jesus with signs and wonders following. Hallelujah! What miracle testimonies we heard. A middle-aged woman named Pumekech received the Lord as Saviour tonight. She voiced how she had suffered from deafness, asthma and a constant headache for years so many in number that “they cannot be calculated” she explained. Tonight, she was delivered from all her ailments. An elderly gentleman had heard the preaching from his house and come to the crusade field out of curiosity, sitting on its edge. He had suffered from asthma and stomach problems for many years. Sitting there on the outskirts of the field, he received his miracle. A pregnant woman shared how her baby had stopped moving. Petrified, she attended the crusade and cried out to the Lord during prayer. Now, her little one is kicking and on-the-go again! She wept and ululated with great emotion. There are so many more miracles I could list here. In short, Jinka has been forever changed. The pastors can feel it, our team can sense it. Travelling back after the evening meeting to our accommodation, a few of the pastors journeyed with us. The people had swarmed the streets on their way home, blocking traffic in the process, still dancing and singing. “We have turned Jinka upside down for Jesus!” the pastors expressed with great gusto. Yes, we have indeed! Please pray for the follow-up process that will now kick into high gear. Thousands of decision cards have been collected. These fledgling believers will be pulled into churches, loved and discipled. Heartfelt thanks, dear friends and partners. Your support has saturated yet another African community with the love and power of our Saviour King!
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