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MAGEVA Gospel Crusade, South Africa, DAY 1:

The Lord is at work and we are rejoicing! Every crusade comes with its challenges. Due to last-minute circumstances beyond our control, we could no longer use our original crusade ground, the field which had been advertised on every poster, banner and flyer. Late yesterday, another ground was provided by the chief and just this morning, the setting up of our stage and sound equipment could begin and word start to spread of the new location. I share this so that you can rejoice with us over what happened tonight. Our newly designated field was packed with hungry hearts and an avalanche of salvation took place! This is nothing short of a miracle. Clearly, the Lord has something very special planned for Dzumeri and we are thrilled to play our part.

The chief opened the crusade with great warmth and ceremony. I then preached from Luke 15, sharing the stories of the lost sheep, coin and son. I explained that Jesus is the Good Shepherd, appointed by God to rescue us from the devil and hell. I explained how valuable we are to God and that no misstep in our past can reduce this value. I explained about the power of choice and how if we run into the arms of the Good Shepherd, He will embrace us and change the trajectory of our lives. What a terrific response to the altar call! Hundreds poured forward and called on the name of the Lord.

Prayer for the sick was power-packed. Demons were cast out and broken bodies liberated. Our evangelists—those who have been with us since last weekend, learning how to plan crusades—jumped in and laid on hands, left, right and centre. What testimonies were heard! Be blessed by these few.

Zabeta is a 77-year-old mother of five and grandmother of fourteen. Six months ago, her entire left side began hurting terribly. “I could not sleep,” she shared, “the pain was so intense.” Tonight, the Lord touched her body from top to toe. “People can fail but God never fails,” Zabeta expressed with great glee.

Mamoabo is a 68-year-old pensioner. For the past five years, her right hip had been so painful that she could not do her daily chores. “I could not walk,” she voiced. “I could not go to the places I used to go.” During prayer, Mamoabo felt the power of God touching her legs. “I am healed! I thank God! I will be able to do what I could not do before. I felt like this crusade came especially for me.”

Audrey is 38 years old. Several months ago, wounds had developed on her one leg that refused to heal. She had consulted doctors but no treatment had worked. She was plagued by discomfort and fear, people telling her that the wounds must be cancerous. Aubrey had attended a half-night prayer last Friday in preparation for the crusade and our team had prayed for her there. Since that evening, those wounds started drying up rapidly. Today, they are completely closed and healed. We thank the Lord!

Shadrak is a 48-year-old father of two children. He has not been able to hear out of his left ear for the past few years. “If someone stood on that side and spoke to me, I could not hear them at all,” he explained. The disability was becoming increasingly frustrating. Now, his ear has popped open and Shadrak is ecstatic. “I am so excited! I am free!”

Tomorrow, we will continue preaching the Gospel and praying for the sick. We will also start teaching on the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your continued prayers. They are undergirding us and driving us forward. Dzumeri for Jesus!

MAGEVA Gospel Crusade, South Africa, DAY 2:

Our crowd exploded with growth tonight. Precious people are flocking to our ground from near and far, eager to receive from the outstretched hands of Jesus. An older man approached me tonight, a well-respected elder in the community. He had been water-baptised in the early 1960s, one of the first in his village. He explained that the original owner of our crusade ground had prophesied that a white person would come one day to that ground and impact the community greatly. He sees our coming as the fulfillment of that prophecy. Clearly, our issues with crusade fields led us to the right spot—God-ordained for decades!

I preached from John 3 and explained why we must be born again and what it entails: God taking our spirits, washing away the sin and making them His dwelling place. When we die, we go to heaven. What a terrific response! Our ushers and altar workers laboured to ensure that the details of every new convert were collected and all received follow-up material.

I began teaching on the Holy Spirit, laying the first of three layers which will culminate in prayer for the Holy Spirit baptism on Sunday night. I taught on what the baptism is and emphasised that God wants to use us all—even those who feel small and insignificant, with great power and glory. Prayer for the sick was followed again by many testimonies. Enjoy these few.

France is an 80-year-old grandfather and local pastor. Two years ago, he lost sight in both eyes. Eager to shepherd his community, he was frustrated. Hearing about the crusade from the chairlady of the fraternal and promoting it to his congregation, he was eager to come himself. “My eyes were closed during the prayer for healing. When I opened them, I started to see everything around me,” France testified. “I am so happy! I can see!”

Chauke is a 32-year-old father of two. Since 2020, he had felt something strange shifting within him, snake-like in its movements—a common symptom here of demonic activity. He saw a poster advertising the crusade along the road and attended our service yesterday. He went forward for prayer and since then, all strange sensations have ceased. “I slept so well last night,” he shared, “and woke up feeling good.” Wonderfully, Chauke returned this evening and tonight, received the Lord as Saviour. “I have seen the power of God here,” he voiced. “I am enjoying this crusade very much.”

Magret is a 53-year-old mother of five and grandmother of six. Three years ago, her stomach began hurting severely. The pain was so intense that her whole body responded to it. She struggled to sit for extended periods of time. The discomfort was controlling her life. During prayer, our Jesus touched her body in a mighty way. “I am so excited! The pain is gone! My body feels totally different. I want to thank God. He has helped me and I am completely changed.”

Heartfelt thanks for your prayer support. The darkness is being driven back and the name of our Jesus is being lifted on high! Our crusade trainees are doing a spectacular job, helping the volunteers and praying for the sick. We have high hopes that they will soon be holding their own crusades and winning thousands for Jesus.

MAGEVA Gospel Crusade, South Africa, DAY 3:

This is crusade: A field packed with hungry hearts and Jesus pouring out gifts, gifts of salvation, healing and deliverance! The people of Dzumeri are eager for the Word of God. They listen with such attentiveness. I first taught from John 5 and the sickness of sin that infects our spirits. Only Dr Jesus can heal this sickness. Men and women, young and old, poured forward, eager to ask Him to set them free. Thereafter, I continued teaching on the Holy Spirit, explaining how to work with Him to win the lost and liberate the captives, after being filled with Him. Everyone is expectant for tomorrow night when we will pray for all to be saturated with His presence and power.

Testimonies flooded in after prayer for the sick. We had a queue of kokwanas (the Tsonga for grandparent) and a gaggle of young people as well, eager to share what Jesus had done for them.

Gladis is a 76-year-old pensioner. A Christian since 1991, she came both to hear the Word of God and receive her healing. Ten years ago, her neck began to spasm, the pain moving into her head. Since then, she has never been without neck or head pain. “It affected me a lot. I could not sleep at night,” she expressed. During prayer, Gladis felt fire moving all over her body. “Jesus is alive and faithful. I am healed!” Gladis rejoiced on stage, praising the Lord.

Taks is a 23-year-old wife and mother of two. She heard about the crusade at her church and came specifically to receive her healing. For the past five years, she had suffered from a debilitating, unyielding, migraine headache. “I could not do anything,” she explained. “I could not work. I could not even bend down.” During prayer, she felt something moving out of her head and suddenly, the pain vanished. “My life will change for the better. God is powerful and I am free!”

John is a 73-year-old farmer. Five years ago, his entire body started aching and his left knee began hurting terribly. He could no longer farm, an activity he thoroughly enjoyed. During prayer, the Lord did a thorough work in him, healing his knee and liberating him from all pain. “I will now call on the name of Jesus whenever I face a challenge!” he declared. “I thank God for His healing power!”

Rosinah received Jesus as her Saviour tonight. She is 67 years old. Her right leg posed a constant challenge. It was stiff and painful. She struggled to get in and out of taxis. The local clinic could not offer her any relief. “I felt like falling down during prayer,” she expounded. Then, as she felt the power of God overwhelm her body, all stiffness and discomfort vanished. “I thank God for what He has done. I see myself as having been changed forever!”

Uli is 9 years old. Since she can remember, her stomach has been sore. Her sister told her about the crusade and she came with some family members with the free transport that In His Name has been providing. “Even after drinking water, I would be in pain,” she shared. “I was in pain all the time.” Tonight, Jesus touched this young lady. “During prayer, I felt like vomiting,” she shared. “Then, the pain disappeared. My life is going to change in a great way!”

Tomorrow, our crusade will come to a glorious conclusion. Your prayers are moving mountains here. The lost are being saved and captives set free. Dzumeri belongs to Jesus!

MAGEVA Gospel Crusade, South Africa, FINAL DAY:

Our final service was bursting with the presence and power of God! Ev. Samuel Murrombe preached the red-hot Gospel with passion and precision. He ministered from Isaiah 55 and invited all who are thirsty to come to the living waters, which only our Jesus can supply. The altar was packed with hungry hearts. Decision cards were completed and follow-up material distributed. Please keep the pastors of Dzumeri in your prayers as they begin discipling the new converts. May they all become mighty men and women of God!

We handed out Certificates of Appreciation on stage to key pastors and volunteers. More will be awarded in their own ceremony. We also gave Certificates of Completion to the evangelists who have been learning from us over the past week. They have engaged in both classroom teachings and on-the-ground training. They will now launch out into holding their own crusades and those who are already more experienced, can apply what they have learned to make their soul-winning initiatives even more effective.

I gave one final teaching on the Holy Spirit baptism, reading from Acts 2 and emphasising the importance of taking action, before we prayed for the fire to fall. Thousands were saturated with the Spirit of the most high, speaking in a torrent of new tongues. We spent extensive time in worship, men and women kneeling at the altar, surrendering all to Jesus. We prayed for the prayer requests that had been submitted during the crusade period and burned the witchcraft fetishes and other odds and ends that people brought to be destroyed. There was much rejoicing and dancing. Dzumeri belongs to Jesus and this community has been pulled firmly into His arms! Enjoy these last few healing testimonies.

Zelia is a 43 year old farm worker—fruit picking, in particular—and mother of seven children. Several months ago, she began having serious issues with her right hand. She could not open it fully. The pain was excruciating. “I could not work, I could not cook,” she expressed. “My hand was useless.” During prayer, Zelia was slain in the Spirit. “When I woke up, I found myself on the ground. Then, I realised that my hand was completely healed! I thank God for what He has done in my life.”

Agnes is a 55-year-old housewife and mother of four. Her neighbour told her about the crusade and she eagerly attended. She had struggled with serious issues with her one hip that left her both in pain and with limited mobility. “I could not bend down or walk properly,” she shared. Her duties at home and her responsibilities as a mother were challenged by these limitations. The Lord intervened and her hip is now pain-free and fully functional! “I will tell people that they must trust God,” Agnes asserted. “I feel so revived!”

Little Ntalo is nine years old. For the past two years, his sinuses had been so blocked that he battled to breath and there was a relentless buzzing sound in his ears. He received the Lord as Saviour during our crusade and his newfound Saviour got to work right away, freeing him from the frustration of blocked nose and ears. “Before, I could not breathe well. Now, I am so happy. I see myself in heaven one day. Jesus is my Saviour and God has helped me!”

Heartfelt thanks for standing with us to make this crusade such a stunning success. We love and appreciate you very much. Together with you, South Africa shall be saved!



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